Marko Tkalčič was awarded the best reviewer award, along with twelve other reviewers, at the 21st International Society for Music…
Author: admin

Marko Tkalčič Program Committee Chair of ACM UMAP Conference
This year, the roles of the highest scientific officersat the conference (program committee chairs) are going to be shared by…

Vida Groznik participated in the webinar titled Artificial Intelligence in Health and Medicine at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
The webinar entitled Artificial Intelligence in HealthCare and Medicine was organized under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and…

ImAna 2020 – Workshop on Immersive Analytics as a part of IEEE AIVR conference
HICUP Lab (Klen and Matjaž) co-organized a workshop with Dutch colleagues. The workshop was held as part of the IEEE…

Radar sensing
Using radar-on-chip sensors such as Google Soli and machine learning algorithms we explore the world of microgestures. The goal is…

International Workshop on Cross-Reality (XR) Interaction
As a part of the ACM ISS 2020 the premier conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces a group of researchers…

Slovenian conference on Human-computer interaction HCI IS 2020
We participated in organizing the Slovenian conference on Human-Computer Interaction in the Information Society 2020. The conference was held online…

Moving Projector Platform (MPP) is a concept of using an autonomous vehicle, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), commonly known…

High-precision micro instructions in AR
Handheld AR systems can be used as support tools for performing high precision micro tasks such as for example circuit…