At this year’s ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (14-18 October) HICUP Lab presented two workshop papers. The ACM Conference on…

ACM Europe School on Recommender Systems 2024
Matej & Uroš visited the ACM Europe School on Recommender Systems 2024 on 8-12 October in Bari, Italy. Leaders in…

UMAP 2024 – 2 DC papers
We visited the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. ACM UMAP is the premier international conference for…

Radar-Based Human-Computer Interaction Workshop @ ACM EICS
On June 25th, 2024, we organised the first workshop on Radar-Based HCI titled Beyond Radar Waves. The workshop was part…

We congratulate dr Vida Groznik for successfully organising ESSAI and ACAI last July 2023
European Summer School of Artificial Intelligence Draws Global Participation and Advocates Ethical AI. In photo, dr Vida Groznik during her…

Keynote speakers for HCI SI will be Peter Knees and Gregor Geršak
We have confirmed keynote speakers for the “6th HCI SI” (link to CfP). Peter Knees is Associate Professor at the…

ImAna 2020 – Workshop on Immersive Analytics as a part of IEEE AIVR conference
HICUP Lab (Klen and Matjaž) co-organized a workshop with Dutch colleagues. The workshop was held as part of the IEEE…

International Workshop on Cross-Reality (XR) Interaction
As a part of the ACM ISS 2020 the premier conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces a group of researchers…

Slovenian conference on Human-computer interaction HCI IS 2020
We participated in organizing the Slovenian conference on Human-Computer Interaction in the Information Society 2020. The conference was held online…