Project Title: Personalised recommender system using Eudaimonic and Hedonic characteristics Recommender systems help users to limit their many choices of…

Programming with physical tangible blocks and AR
Project Title (tentative): pARt Blocks Computer programming is a demanding task requiring users to understand the syntax of a programming…

AR supported language learning
Project Title: Adaptive Guidance in Extended Reality Learning Environments Experiential learning (ExL) is the process of learning through experience or…

AR piano for improvisation
Project Title: Piano Learning and Improvisation Through Digital Augmentation The task of learning the piano has been a centuries-old challenge…

Paper Interfaces
We explore how to augment/modify paper by modification of optical properties of paper (e.g. through application of inks or paper…

Radar sensing
Using radar-on-chip sensors such as Google Soli and machine learning algorithms we explore the world of microgestures. The goal is…

Moving Projector Platform (MPP) is a concept of using an autonomous vehicle, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), commonly known…

High-precision micro instructions in AR
Handheld AR systems can be used as support tools for performing high precision micro tasks such as for example circuit…

Interactive Documetaries
Interactive web documentaries have the potential to engage people with important topics through innovative storytelling approaches. Understanding how users interact…