This year, the roles of the highest scientific officersat the conference (program committee chairs) are going to be shared by…

Vida Groznik participated in the webinar titled Artificial Intelligence in Health and Medicine at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
The webinar entitled Artificial Intelligence in HealthCare and Medicine was organized under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and…

International Workshop on Cross-Reality (XR) Interaction
As a part of the ACM ISS 2020 the premier conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces a group of researchers…

Marko Tkalčič giving a keynote @25th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
Marko Tkalčič from HICUP Lab had invited talk at ISMIS conference on the topic of Complementing Behavioural Modeling with Cognitive…

3D masks and visors handed over to the General Hospital Izola
Plastic protective masks printed with 3D printers at the Laboratory for Human-Computer Interaction HICUP Lab are already available to the…

HICUP Lab member Marko Tkalčič chairs a session on User Modeling at the Web Conference 2020
The Web Conference (formerly known as International World Wide Web Conference, abbreviated as WWW) is a yearly international academic conference…

The talk show “Insight into Science” (Pogled v Znanost) on the ARS program of Radio Slovenia with Klen Čopič Pucihar
The show “Insight into Science” featured a conversation about the citizens’ initiative Protect Slovenia. The initiative was started by the…

News about Testing of 3D printed masks in the General Hospital Izola on RTV Slovenia
Our researcher Klen Čopič Pucihar gave a statement on the daily news programme of the national broadcaster RTV Slovenia about…

Prototypes of PPE masks made with 3D printing technology
Researchers from the Laboratory for Human-Computer Interaction – HICUP Lab together with researchers from InnoRenew CoE and the iniciative Zaščitimo…