Marko Tkalčič from HICUP Lab had invited talk at ISMIS conference on the topic of Complementing Behavioural Modeling with Cognitive…
Author: admin

Interactive Documetaries
Interactive web documentaries have the potential to engage people with important topics through innovative storytelling approaches. Understanding how users interact…

Adaptive m-learning systems
Mobile lear allows users to tailor their professional training and education to their needs and time constraints. However, in self-paced…

Workshop on OptiTrack outside-in tracking system by Target3D
Our partners from Target3D run a workshop on how to use OptiTrack system and how to integrate the tracking into…

Digital Augmentation of Comic Books
Digital-augmentation of print-media can provide contextually relevant audio, visual, or haptic content to supplement the static text and images. The…
10th graduation ceremony – awards were also given to HICUP Lab students
A new generation of graduates were awarded the graduation certificates on Friday, May 22, at UP FAMNIT. Unfortunately, we had…

Parameter selection for generative art with Bayesian optimisation
This is hacketon entry of OPTIVINCI team that won the hacketon of the 5th Computational Interaction Summer School at Columbia…

3D masks and visors handed over to the General Hospital Izola
Plastic protective masks printed with 3D printers at the Laboratory for Human-Computer Interaction HICUP Lab are already available to the…

HICUP Lab member Marko Tkalčič chairs a session on User Modeling at the Web Conference 2020
The Web Conference (formerly known as International World Wide Web Conference, abbreviated as WWW) is a yearly international academic conference…