HICUP Lab welcomed visitors from UP FAMNIT’s Erasmus+ Project ELBA. In the said project, 28 professors and researchers from four partner countries namely Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan received training on machine learning and big data and data mining.
Author: admin

HICUP Lab Mentors Featured and Recognised at end of 2021
Two faculty mentors in the HICUP Lab research group made headlines as the year 2021 drew to a close. According…

Paper Interfaces
We explore how to augment/modify paper by modification of optical properties of paper (e.g. through application of inks or paper…

Keynote speakers for HCI SI will be Peter Knees and Gregor Geršak
We have confirmed keynote speakers for the “6th HCI SI” (link to CfP). Peter Knees is Associate Professor at the…

Researchers from University of Ljubljana, Academy of arts and design and the Faculty of electrical engineering visiting Hicup Lab
This was an interesting lab visit that included a mix of engineers and artists. The pothole for multidisciplinary research at…

6th conference Human-Computer Interaction Slovenia (HCI SI)
Together with our colleagues from ACM SIGCHI Bled chapter we organise the sixth conference Human-Computer Interaction Slovenia (HCI SI). The…

No Interface, No Problem paper published at Sensors Journal
We are happy to announce our paper No Interface, No Problem: Gesture Recognition on Physical Objects Using Radar Sensing has…

TEDxLjubljana: The bottleneck of human-computer interaction
The digital world contains an unprecedented amount of information that computers can easily access and process. How about us humans?…

Marko Tkalčič published in the largest journal in the field of psychology
The paper A Comparison of Human and Computational Melody Prediction Through Familiarity and Expertise co-authored by Matevž Pesek, Anja Podlesek,…