This September 2023, HICUP Lab made its presence during the ACM Conference Series on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2023). As an annual conference series in its 17th edition, ACM RecSys is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results, systems and techniques in the broad field of recommender systems. This 2023, ACM RecSys was held in Singapore.

Marko Tkalčič delivered a keynote during the 10th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS). The IntRS workshop series focuses on user-centric perspective on recommender systems research. The IntRS workshop brings together an interdisciplinary community of researchers and practitioners who share research on new recommender systems (informed by psychology), including new design technologies and evaluation methodologies, and aim to identify critical challenges and emerging topics in the field.
His Keynote was entitled “From Amateur Musicianship to Computational Predictors of Media Consumption Experiences“. He presented his keynote to both in-person and virtual attendees of the conference.
Abstract: Majority of user modelling for recommender system uses behavioural data. Behaviour (implicit data) is only part of the knowledge about users in recommender systems. Cognitive and affective models are important, too. In this talk I will show how the usage of psychology-inspired models can lead to improvements of recommender systems.
For more details, photos and slides in the workshop, you may check out the IntRS 23 Workshop webpage.

Arsen Matej Golubovikj also delivered a presentation during Music Recommender Systems (MuRS) Workshop. The workshop aims at bridging the existing gap between the diverse research communities focused on challenges specific to music recommender systems. The workshop provides a space for researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines, from both academia and industry, to exchange perspectives and to promote discussion on future research directions in the area of music recommender systems.
His presentation was entitled “Soundtracks of Our Lives: How Age Influences Musical Preferences” which is an output from a collaboration between UP FAMNIT and Jönköping University, Sweden.
For more photos and details about the workshop, we invite you to check out the MuRS Webpage.
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